10 States/10 days/5,000 miles Geo-trip!


So Grampa Bob (my uncle) sends me a detailed list of the next trip he is researching. A trip to Washington to see Geo HQ and a LOT more! We'll be driving our rears off as we're going to go 5K miles in only 10 days. The entire trip will be Earthcaches, Virtuals, Web Cams, county caches, THE ORIGINAL CACHE, HQ, APE and the APE Mega event! Whoo hoo!!

Dates: Aug. 12 - 21, 2019

Cache Count:
APE = 1
APE Mega Event = 1
Earthcache = 20
HQ = 1
Letterbox = 2
Mystery = 10
Traditional = 58 (includes orginal 1st cache placed & counties)
Virtual = 22
Webcam = 6
Where I Go = 5
TOTAL = 126 caches

7 New States & 48 New Counties

WOW! What a trip! Thanks Bob!

10 States / 10 Days /5,000 mi. Geo Trip

Monday & Tuesday
August 12 - 13, 2019

Monday: Blue Hole Earthcache, Our Lady of the Tree Virtual, The Continental Divide - New Mexico at I-14 Earthcache - Mesas or Buttes? Earthcache

Tuesday: Painted Desert/Petrified Forest Virtual/Earthcache, Standing on the corner Virtual, The last Great Railroad Hotel Virtual, Meteor Crater Virtual, Barringer Crater Earthcache, A Virtual Reward for a Dam Cool Dog, Welcome to Las Vegas Virtual

5 Earthcaches, 1 Mysery, 14 Traditionals, 8 Virtuals, 3 WhereIgo

Wednesday & Thursday
August 14 - 15, 2019

Wednesday: Death Valley, The Badlands at Zabriskie Point, Devil's Golf Course, Water in Death ValleyDeath Valley, Devils's Cornfield, Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown (all Earthcaches), Don't Drink the Water, How Low Can You Go? Lego Dan's Death Valley RR cache (all Virtuals), Dave's Run & Mammoth Cam (Webcams)

Thursday: Smile Your'e on Candid Camera II Webcam,Pre's Rock Virtual, Ashlyne Augustine Benson Webcam.

7 Earthcaches, 7 Traditional, 7 Virtuals, 4 Webcams

 Friday: Original Stash Tribute Plaque, Geocaching HQ, HQ Geo Tour

Saturday: Phatboyz...Go dogz webcam, Art of Tacoma: Bridge of Glass, Wigwam to Wetland Earthcache, Throw It in Reverse! A Reverse Wherigo Cache, HQGT: Gas Works Park Virtual, Iron Horse Speleothems, Mission 9: Tunnel of Light (APE Cache)

1 Ape cache, 2 Earthcaches, 1 HQ, 1 Letterbox, 2 Multi's, 1 Mystery, 8 Traditionals,2 Virtual, 1 webcam, 1 Wher-i-go

Sunday: WSGA's Going Ape X Mega, Lake Coeur d'Alene Earthcache

Monday: The Stuart Range Earthcache, Sky King's Final Landing Place Virtual, Avalanche in Willow Creek Gulch Earthcache, 1 FTF!!! Let it be water under the bridge Traditional

5 Earthcaches, 1 Mega, 13 Traditionals, 1 Virtual, 1 Where-I-go

 Tuesday: Military History Series - Little Bighorn Nat. Mon. Virtual, The commons Webcam, Let 'er Buck Virtual

Wednesday: Mining I - Ludlow Massacre Virtual, Capulin Volcano (Letterbox and Earthcache), Walking in Memfis Earthcache

2 Earthcache, 1 Letterbox, 7 Mystery, 5 Traditionals, 3 Virtuals, 1 Webcam

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Last updated: 8/26/19