Austin Day 1


December 26 - 28, 2014

I went with my Uncle Bob (grampa bob 14) on a 3 day trip down to Central Texas for a special trip for him to get some challenge caches. We went and got the oldest cache in Central Texas (Cen Tex) and then headed to the Alamo in San Antonio for the caches there and challenges, then on to Austin where we would spend the next day getting specific caches needed to fill in his 81 grid. Along the way down, we tried to stop in each county so we could get some of the Texas counties filled up with red on the geo map!

Click on any photo to see an enlarged version.

GB14 Climbing Prayer Mt.JPG
GB14 Climbing Prayer Mt.JPG
GB14 on PrayerMt Cache.JPG
GB14 on PrayerMt Cache.JPG
ddvdude on Prayer Mt.JPG
ddvdude on Prayer Mt.JPG
One of the stops was a cache on Prayer Mountain... nice limestone steps up! GrampaBob14 filling out the logs ddvdude wallowing around on shelfs of Limestone
Top of Prayer Mt.JPG
Top of Prayer Mt.JPG
Webcam shot of both at Alamo.JPG
Webcam shot of both at Alamo.JPG
Bob Alamo.JPG
Bob Alamo.JPG
It was a pretty view from the top... over 200 steps to get to the top. There is my car down there! We both had never had a particular cache... a web cam cache so we made a special trip to get it and went to the Alamo. Then we did the neatest WhereIGo cache that took us along the outside of the "ORGINIAL" walls.
ddvdude at Alamo.JPG
ddvdude at Alamo.JPG
grampabob14 with Miltary Travel Bug.JPG
grampabob14 with Miltary Travel Bug.JPG
It actually took us BLOCKS away from the Alamo.... man was that old fort huge!! Bob got a Miltiary Coin Travel Bug on the hunt this day.

Click on any photo to see an enlarged version.

On to Day 2 of trip


Last updated: 12/28/14