GB14 Climbing Prayer Mt.JPG |
GB14 on PrayerMt Cache.JPG |
ddvdude on Prayer Mt.JPG |
One of the stops was a cache on Prayer Mountain... nice limestone steps up! | GrampaBob14 filling out the logs | ddvdude wallowing around on shelfs of Limestone |
Top of Prayer Mt.JPG |
Webcam shot of both at Alamo.JPG |
Bob Alamo.JPG |
It was a pretty view from the top... over 200 steps to get to the top. There is my car down there! | We both had never had a particular cache... a web cam cache so we made a special trip to get it and went to the Alamo. | Then we did the neatest WhereIGo cache that took us along the outside of the "ORGINIAL" walls. |
ddvdude at Alamo.JPG |
grampabob14 with Miltary Travel Bug.JPG |
It actually took us BLOCKS away from the Alamo.... man was that old fort huge!! | Bob got a Miltiary Coin Travel Bug on the hunt this day. | |
Last updated: 12/28/14