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Sometimes things happen you don't expect... An entire mat fell to the floor just after the other group passed. | This sometimes happens during a bat count...a few move and disturb the mat, the mat vibrates and they all fall down! | JT needed to be seen counting bats for credit from his science teacher! He actually helped with the 2nd group quite a bit with the primary bat count. |
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Gives you an impression on the size of our little furry friends. This came from the mat on the ground. | We put him back on the ceiling and he gripped and started crawling back to another mat. | This is what the mats are supposed to look in the south passage. They were few and far between. |
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He's Dead Jim! | Finally the Southern part was done... not really impressive numbers here! But usually the best is the north side! | Dave & Lil are happy to see sunshine after almost 2 weeks of ice and snow!! (and successfully getting out of a mud exit!) |
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We split up the group after that and Dave, Lil, and I did Train Tunnel entrance while the rest of the group went to Glade and Homestead entrance. | We'll meet in the middle somewhere after we enter the exit from Glade and work toward them. | This raccoon that died last year is still here but in a better state of decomposition. |
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We had a dismal count in the North part... whole mats that always were there were missing... and where bats usually were ... none... what's going on?? | But we did meet up and decided to head out...we'll send our results to Sue for a total combined count...but I think it's going to be low! | So 1 by 1... |
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we left the cave... | behind the boys.... | who had the energy... |
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to lead most of the way! | Last but not least! | The SW OK Bat Count Crew of 2010 (Jester Cave Bat Count) |
Last updated: 2/13/10