Pictures used on the SpongBob Logs & Hides

geocaching logs.jpg

Header picture on the SpongeBob Square Mile Log Sheets
Lawton, OK Caches (Disabled)

spongbob square mile.jpg

Used in the SpongeBob Square Mile series
Lawton, OK (Disabled)

Patrick Star

Patrick Star Cache to Cache on Cache Road (PSC2CoCR)

Patrick has a series called "Cache to Cache on Cache Road"
Lawton, OK (Caches given over to Ol'Kim (Formally Frederick Scouter))

No sign a log

Patrick's log sheet picture - you better sign it!!!

Lawton, OK (Enabled)

spongebob magnets.jpg

Used in the SpongeBob loves magnets series

Lawton, OK (only one remaining)

I know geocaching.jpg

Mr. D's Facebook Page Picture

SpongeBob Loves Frederick Radar

The first ddvdude Spongebob cache placed

Frederick Radar in Frederick, OK (Enabled)

Squidward's Puzzle Cache #1

My first puzzle cache! Why do Math?

Weatherford, TX (Archived - Now SB Loves Cats #1)

Let there be light #1

The Let There Be Light Series

Located on the walking trail in Weatherford, TX (Enabled)

Let there be light #2

The Let There Be Light Series

Located on the walking trail in Weatherford, TX (Enabled)

Weatherford TB Hotel

Created a Travel Bug Hotel in Weatherford, TX

Off of the Weatherford walking trail near the outdoor concert stage

Weatherford, TX (ARCHIVED 3/28/19 - City cleaned out the forest)

Parker County Sign

The Welcome to Parker County Series - located on each major highway entering into Parker County (except interstate highways)

Parker County Lines, Parker County TX - Enabled

Under the Bridge
Another Under the Bridge

Located on the Walking Trail in Weatherford, TX (Enabled)


Take a Load Off

Located on the Walking Trail in Weatherford, TX (Enabled)

Rest Area

Rest Area

Used at the Eastbound I-20 Rest Area at Parker / Palo Pinto County Line - Texas (Archived - TxDoT plowed down the Rest Stop)


Sandy Cheeks Tree Cache - Weatherford, TX (Enabled)

No Outlet Cache - Weatherford, TX (Enabled)

Corner Stop - Weatherford, TX (Disabled - Now SB Loves Cats 3)

Hanging on the Corner - Weatherford, TX (Archived - Now SB loves Cats 4)

Vampire Tree - Weatherford, TX (Enabled)

Let there be Light 3
Weatherford Walking Trail (Enabled)

Let there be Light 4
Weatherford Walking Trail (Enabled)

Let there be Light 5
Weatherford Walking Trail (Enabled)

Let there be Light 6
Weatherford Walking Trail (Enabled)

Let there be Light 7
Weatherford Walking Trail (Enabled)

Off of Ft. Worth Highway - Weatherford (Enabled)

Let there be Light 8 (Enabled)
Weatherford Trailhead (Holland Park) Parking Lot

Between a Rock and a Hard Place (Enabled)
Behind a Weatherford Hotel

Under the Trees (Enabled)
Weatherford Walking Trail

Sponge Bob Loves Animals
Weatherford Walking Trail

Let there be Light #9
Weatherford Walking Trail

Let there be Light #10
Weatherford Walking Trail

County Line
Near 287 and Mineral Wells


Country Parking Lot

Twin Towers

Another Tower

05 Spong Bob Guard(rail)

Adell Corner

Sponge Bob Rock Pile

03 Sponge Bob Guard(rail)

Sponge Bob Guard(rail)

Sponge Bob Bridge 1

Sponge Bob Bridge 2

Sponge BobLoves Cats 1

Sponge BobLoves Cats 2

Sponge BobLoves Cats 3 & 4

Is Sponge Bob Old Enough to drink Beer?

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