Alabster Caverns Earthcache


July 13, 2014 - Alabaster Caverns State Park in Oklahoma. These caches were published 2 months ago and nobody has gotten to do them. So I claimed a double FTF on a hot July afternoon. One cache was at Hoe Handle Cave (actually the far far off exit of the cave from the tourist trail) and the other was Cedar Canyon which was once an underground cave which collapsed over the 100's of years to make Cedar Canyon.

Click on any photo to see an enlarged version.

ddvdude at Hoe Handle.JPG
ddvdude at Hoe Handle.JPG
Hoe Handle Cave Entrance.JPG
Hoe Handle Cave Entrance.JPG
Man... I'm doing an Earthcache in 107 degree weather... idiot!! But I recoved sitting close to this non-used exit... cool air coming out! So there were two Earthcaches set up at Alabster Caverns State Park and no one got them for over 2 months...
I had to be there for the Selman bat watch so I left Lawton early just to do these two. The first one was here at the rarely used exit called Hoe Handle Cave about 1/2 mile walk from the office. The entrance has some lush growth compared to the dry grasses above... the cool air condences the water vapor so the rocks are actually dripping.
Sit by here a bit and you might actually get cold in August!

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Last updated: 7/13/14