What is Barn Cat Delivery?

All kinds of information below (in .pdf) for you to learn more than you NEVER wanted
to know about Barn Cats and how to get and take care of them!

These are the documents I send first time Barn Cat potential owners to make sure they REALLY want a barn cat.
A barn cat is just not another animal in the barn and should never be treated as one. They are cats who are far more
intellegent than your cow, goat, or horse. Treat them well and they will be loyal and do their job. Treat them as another
animal, and they will leave to go find better surroundings.Thus, I want my new customers to know up front, even though
this is a free program (we provide all equipment and the cats and the setup) they still have a commitment of taking care
of an animal for possibly longer than a decade.

What is a Barn Cat? Barn Cat Handout - From Weatherford Parker County Animal Shelter
Barn Cats FAQ - A list of commonly asked questions Barn Cat Safe Placements - From TX Barn Cats
Barn Cat Delivery Map - Parker County & counties touching Parker County  

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Last updated: 10/2/23