Build a cat home


Cats are safe in our cages during their two week stay to get used to the surroundings. But afterwards they are prey to coyotes (and if smaller - Hawks and Owls). So an elevated house is needed to keep armadillos, skunks and other animals from getting their food and for protection to run to if you don't have a barn, hayloft, tree or other things around that a cat can get away from a coyote. So you build one. A small hole for them to get into and a deep enough area for them to get away from the opening. A detatchable roof to put in hay and take out gross stuff they might bring in.

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A homemade cat home. Off of the ground from most animals and a hidey / warm box for protection from preditors and the cold. Even though our winters aren't typically harsh, a bunch of straw inside for them to curl up on and their body heat will soon make a cozy spot. These lucky kitties had their new home ready the day they got out of their cage and moved right in.

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Last updated: 10/2/23